Spring 2018 Newsletter

Hello Trailhead Residents,
Spring has sprung!
Please mark your calendar for the annual meeting – (due to the ongoing Berea Library renovations) – The Annual Trailhead Village HOA meeting will be Tuesday , June 12, 6:30 p.m., at the North Olmsted Library, (large room), 27403 Lorain Road, North Olmsted, Ohio  44070.
Every year we have a board member who rotates off the board after serving a three (3) year term.  This makes room for a different resident to be elected to the board.  The election happens at the annual meeting in June.  Any resident whose name is on the deed of their home is eligible for election, one person per household.  If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact the board.  Working on the board is a great opportunity to meet and interact with the entire community as well as a chance to help manage the community.  If you are interested in running, please let the board know by May 9, 2018
​We thought we would share some history about the planning for Trailhead Village, courtesy of Joan O’Malley. 
Phase I of the site consists of an 8.35 acre parcel presently being utilized as a riding stable at 410 Barrett Road.  The site contained two homes, a large horse barn, and two garages or outbuildings.  The site is bordered on the southerly side by Barrett Road.  On the Westerly side by a residential dwelling (440 Barrett Road) and vacant wooded land behind which was to be Phase II of this proposal.​  The Cleveland Metro Parks (Rocky River reservation) abuts the Easterly side of the site and the southerly side of the site is adjacent to the City of Berea Service Facility.
If you would be interested in more background about Trailhead Village, please contact the board and we will pass your request on to Joan.
General Items:
  • The board would like to remind you to take the time to review our website trailheadvillage.com occasionally as there updates and notices posted.
  • Pet owners please be mindful and pick up after your pets throughout the neighborhood, and please be courteous of your neighbors property when walking your dogs.
  • In order to maintain the appearance of our community as it ages, please be mindful to keep up with exterior items which may have faded paint, for example, shutters, exterior lights, house trim, and garage doors.  This is required in our bylaws.
  • As in the past we are looking for volunteers for the annual flower watering maintenance.  Please contact the board of you are interested.
Rules and Regulations​:
  • Spring is a great time to refresh yourself by reading the Rules and Regulations, found on our website, trailheadvillage.com, under documents.
  • As always, watch your speed when driving in and out of the neighborhood.  We want to maintain a safe community.  The posted speed is 10 miles per hour.
  • As a reminder, there are no recreational activities permitted in the street.
  • Overnight parking is not permitted in the street, by the HOA (also, a City of Berea ordinance).  Please have guests park within the residents garage, driveway and then on the parking pads.  Parking pads are for temporary parking only.
  • Parking on the fire hydrant side of the street is prohibited by the HOA and City of Berea.
  • There have been many sightings of wildlife in the area.  Please remember that garage doors must be closed except for ingress and egress, or a purposeful activity.  (e.g., yard work, washing of cars, or entertaining)
Landscaping and Design:
​ The landscape and design forms have been updated on the website.  They know include a generic lot diagram.  When you are submitting your request, please include the rough locations of items, and be as descriptive as possible.  If you have your own diagram, please feel free to submit it instead.  This will provide the committees and the board a better idea of your project.  Remember, if you are planning any landscaping or architectural design changes, to submit the required form to the respective committee.  All forms are available to be downloaded from our website.  When you fill them out, you can email them to landscaping@trailheadvillage.com, or design@trailheadvillage.com, or drop them in the Trailhead Village mailbox, located next to the USPS mailboxes in our neighborhood.  Make sure to read the rules and regulations to see what is and what is not permitted in the neighborhood.  Please remember that the review process can take up to 21 days to complete.