We have received several sightings of coyotes in the area at all times of the day. For your safety and awareness, the board wanted to share this information with you, and also a note from one of our residents of a sighting last night.
“Just wanted to inform that around 8:45PM today I saw a coyote casually crossing the road from the pond, past the mailbox, and into the woods, carrying what looked like a turkey in it’s mouth. The object in it’s mouth was black and feathery or furry, too difficult to make out exactly as the sun had already set.I thought that this might factor into safety considerations for those who take evening/night strolls or walk their dog(s).”
Updated Yard Waste pickup

Temporary Suspension of Bulk Trash Pickup
Residents please review the notice below about changes to trash collection.

Spring Cleanup and Mulching
Green Horizons will be working on and off in the neighborhood in the next few weeks to begin spring clean up, bed preparation, plow damage repair, and mulching and initial fertilization. Remember, mulch will only be applied to the front beds of your home. If you would like mulch on the sides and/or back of your property at your cost, you must call Green Horizons , to arrange for that service. Green Horizons also is offering to apply river bed gravel (#34) to the sides and/or back of your property at your cost, which again can be arranged through Jim Folds.
Holiday PArking Reminder
Hello all,
As always, and especially during this busy holiday season, the board would like to review the parking regulations.The City of Berea which includes Trailhead has the following:
1. There is no parking on the fire hydrant side of the street at any time.
2. There is no overnight parking on the street. Cars must be in the garage, driveway or the parking pad. We expect that many people will be entertaining for the holidays, and that means that cars will be parked on the street. It is the homeowners responsibility to make sure that your guests park only on the non fire hydrant side of the road.
Our streets are narrow, and will not allow emergency vehicles or any vehicles through if double parked. The police will ticket illegally parked vehicles, and/or will have them towed. It is also important that you follow the posted speed limit.
We all want to have a safe and joyous holiday, so we appreciate your cooperation in this matter not only at the holidays, but through out the year.
Hello all,
Attached is the Trailhead Village HOA newsletter for November 2019. If you have any problems opening the attachment, please let the board know.We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
RESCHEDULED- Road Crack filling
Hello Residents,
Due to the weather today Wednesday, October 16, Premier Paving has notified us that they have rescheduled to come out tomorrow Thursday, October 17.We appreciate your cooperation in again keeping the road clear of vehicles.
Road crack filling repair in Trailhead Village
Hello Residents,
Premier Asphalt and Paving Company is planning on being in the neighborhood (WEATHER PERMITTING) to crack fill the road on Wednesday, October 16. As many of you are aware, they will crack fill and sand at the same time as they move throughout the neighborhood. Please keep the road clear of vehicles during this time, and please be mindful of the workers as they will maintain traffic.
Hello Residents,
The Board wanted you all to know that the community is receiving the fall fertilization today. The board originally was told it would be later in the week and a notification would be going out, but with the impending weather it was changed to today, Monday September 9.
Trailfest 2019
Hello All,
Just a reminder that Trailfest will be held on Saturday, August 24th 4:00 until ??. Hoping you will be able to come or at least stop by for awhile. The flyers will be passed out shortly for your RSVP, and additional info. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be provided!Enjoy the rest of your summer and hope to see on the 24th.