Fall Newsletter

Hello Trailhead Residents,

Hope everyone has enjoyed the Fall Foliage! Here is the Fall Newsletter.

General Items:

  • It is that time of year again…the pond fountain ​is turned off. The fountain will be removed and put into storage for the winter. This is to keep the pump from being damaged by the pond freezing. It will be turned back on in early spring.
  • With winter just around the corner we would like to remind everyone to take the time to properly store outdoor items. Storage in not permitted on front porches or under decks.
  • As the holiday’s approach be reminded to use the parking pads and when parking on the street please do not park on the fire hydrant side as this is a city wide rule.
  • The deer are roaming be careful as you drive in and out of the community.
  • Green Horizon will perform fall clean up throughout November consisting of cleaning up leaves and trimming the decorative grasses throughout the common areas of the community.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Residents are reminded to be mindful of your speed when driving through the community. We must maintain a safe community for all the residents. Please remind any quests to adhere to the posted speed limit of 10pmh. The board has received several complaints.
  • A quick reminder that seasonal flowers need to be removed from the front beds and pots as winter approaches. In addition​,​ hose reels should be put away.
  • Trash cans must be stored back into the garage the evening of pick up day.
  • With the holidays around the corner we would like to remind everyone when decorating their home that the holiday lighting cannot be on prior to Thanksgiving Holiday. All decorations must be removed 2 weeks after the New Year Holiday.

Snow removal reminders:

  • Driveways will not be plowed if there is a car present on the driveway.
  • Driveways are on a 2” trigger; this means driveways will not be plowed until 2” of snowfall.
  • Be mindful of parking on the street so the plows can do their job during snow storms
  • Some plow damage is inevitable. Green Horizon will attempt to minimize this but superficial damage is possible due to snow removal.
    Salting, while keeping our streets ice free, is hard on our grass. Some burn out is to be expected after each season. Since we do not have a tree lawn or sidewalk buffer.
  • Plow damage that is done to lawns will be repaired by Green Horizon in the spring.