Mark your calendars! The annual community meeting will be held in the Berea Room at Berea City Hall, Tuesday June 10th at 7:30 PM .
General Items
- As always watch your speed when driving in and out of the neighborhood. It can be easy to go fast but with many blind turns in our neighborhood it can be a major safety issue.
- A quick reminder that per the neighborhood rules and regulations residents should have their garage doors closed except for egress or when performing activities outdoors.
- The votes have been returned on the retaining wall for Trailhead Lane. We received 100% approval for the action. We are currently planning installation with the contractor. As mentioned previously this will be a paver style wall similar in color to existing walls in the community. It will include repairing drainage and proper tie backs into the soil.
- Notification for the annual meeting and proxy votes have been sent out. If you are not in receipt of them by early in the week please let the board know.
- Included are the Q1 2014 Financials.
Landscaping & Design
- The landscaper has informed us that mulching will take place on either Wednesday or Thursday this week (weather dependent). Please make sure that your windows are closed these days as the process can be dusty.
- Residents, now that the weather is getting nicer the board wanted to remind everyone that items left outdoors must be kept on your deck or patio. The landscapers will not cut a fairly large area near any items due to liability.
- As mentioned in a previous email, out mowing day will typically be Thursdays. This is subject to weather and holidays. Please remember to not water your lawns the day before mowing.
- Remember if you are planning landscaping or architectural/design changes to submit a landscaping or design form to the respective committee. All forms are available on the website. When you fill them out you can drop them off to the committee chair in person or email them to landscaping@ or design and make sure to read the rules and regulations to see what is and isn’t permitted in the neighborhood. Please remember that the review process can take up to 21 days to complete.