Mark your calendars! The annual community meeting will be held in the Berea Room at Berea City Hall, Tuesday June 10th at 7:30 PM . Official notices will go out at the beginning of May.
General Items
- The board is seeking residents who are interesting in joining the board! If you are interested in joining or would like more information please contact the board. Working on the board is a great opportunity to meet and interact with the entire community as well as a chance to help manage and shape the community. If you are interested in running please let the board know by May 9th.
- As always watch your speed when driving in and out of the neighborhood. It can be easy to go fast but with many blind turns in our neighborhood it can be a major safety issue.
- As you may have noticed the second parking pad on Trailhead Lane is currently closed. The retaining wall behind the pad has become unstable and is a safety risk to anyone who would park there. The Board has begun working with an outside contractor to remedy the situation. We anticipate the repair/replacement this spring.
- A reminder to everyone that HOA dues are due on the first of the month.
- Included is an updated roster.
Landscaping & Design
- The grounds manager will be repairing plow damage in the coming weeks. The landscape committee has walked the neighborhood and made note of the damage that each residence has.
- Remember if you are planning landscaping or architectural/design changes to submit a landscaping or design form to the respective committee. All forms are available on the website. When you fill them out you can drop them off to the committee chair in person or email them to landscaping@trailheadvillage.
com or and make sure to read the rules and regulations to see what is and isn’t permitted in the neighborhood. Please remember that the review process can take up to 21 days to complete.